Alex Zordel
15+ Years of Excellence
in Every Line of Code!

Alex Zordel

My name is Alex Zordel, and I am a web developer with extensive expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, React.js, Next.js, Svelte.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and more.

In addition to my front-end and back-end skills, I have substantial experience working with CMS platforms such as Shopify, WordPress, Webflow, Wix & Headless CMS(WP, Bigcommerce).



UI Design, Responsiveness, Accessibility. HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Next.js, Svelte.js, Bootstrap, jQuery.


Pinpoint Functionality using PHP, Node.js, Mysql, MongoDB, Automated testing, Debugging.

Full Stack

Match making of Frontend and Backend with API Development, Serverless architechture, CI/CD.


Themes, Plugins, Customization in WordPress, Shopify, Shopify plug, Bigcommerce, Webflow, Wix.


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